

Digital Marketing for
Brand & Business


Choose Toucan as your digital marketing agency

in Jamaica to benefit from our 360-degree digital marketing

services along with website design & web development services

Recent Work

CAL Independence

TCL Greneda Emancipation

Courts Independence

Guinness Independence


Guyana Independence Day

CAL Emancipation Day

Massy Cricket Post




The flux of digital requires us to act quickly. The only way to do that is less talk and more action. This requires a high level of trust with our clients, which means we aren’t simply acquaintances, but partners

trusted partners


Best practices for privacy and security in social media marketing

In social media marketing, engagement metrics and audience reach are the most important metrics to measure success. This creates an incentive for marketers to prioritize impact, and privacy and security considerations can fall by the wayside. However, with increasing scrutiny from regulators worldwide and a growing public concern over digital

Building brand loyalty through better digital customer experiences

80% of customers claim that the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services. Statistics also indicate that 53% of customers prefer digital channels when engaging with companies1. In today’s digital age where the market is more competitive than ever, Jamaican businesses must explore online marketing

Why WordPress is the best CMS for Jamaican entrepreneurs

Having a robust online presence is non-negotiable for businesses aiming for success. This includes choosing the right Content Management System (CMS) for your business website. For Jamaican entrepreneurs, WordPress website development is an excellent option to choose from the various CMS options available. WordPress is used by 62.8% of all

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