
3 project management styles for mobile app creation

3 project management styles for mobile app creation

Erstwhile, Jamaica used to be considered a destination for call centre work. However, the Jamaican government has been making significant investments in upskilling its work force. One of the key areas of focus is app and software development [1]. An increase in the number of skilled developers and a growing number of smartphone users has made mobile app development in Jamaica very attractive. Many people within the country have their own ideas of mobile applications they want to create. The island has also become a viable choice for offshore development.

Finding the right partner for your app development project can be tricky. As a business, you must have a basic understanding of what do mobile app development companies do , so you can better assess potential mobile app development partners. Another important point to consider when evaluating a mobile app creation service in Jamaica is their approach to project management.

Different approaches to manage mobile app development projects

Project management for application and software development has grown into a field of its own. Companies no longer rely on conventional approaches to management which involved strict planning, process development and tracking of tasks. There are distinct approaches that can be employed to manage app development projects. In this article we will look at the three of them more closely:

  1. Waterfall

This is a linear approach to project management that prioritizes structure. The app development process is divided into 5 stages: analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Each stage of the development must be completed before work starts on the next stage. The effectiveness of this approach depends on the how well the project manager is able to plan the development and track progress. If there is a failure at any stage, the developers have to start from stage one again. The name waterfall derives from the fact that works flows over from one stage to the next.


  • Waterfall projects are easier to manage as there are clearly defined steps and deliverables at each stage
  • Testing is conducted at each stage and if there is a bug detected it is fixed immediately before work on the next stage begins


  • Since all development takes place sequentially it takes longer to get a working version of the mobile application
  • For projects that require continuous improvements and continuous development, waterfall is not a recommended project management strategy

How are mobile app design development process managed 


  1. Agile

Instead of the sequential development of Waterfall, in an Agile approach, mobile app development is divided into short cycles called sprints. Typically, these sprints are of 2 to 3 weeks. A sprint includes the following steps: concept creation, inception, construction, release, production, maintenance and support. At the end of each sprint, the client is given an update regarding the development. If any changes are required, they are made immediately. It can take many development sprints to create a full-fledged mobile application, but a working version of the application can be achieved much more quickly.


  • Shorter development cycles means that bugs can be caught and fixed quickly. This reduces the chances of a major bug occurring and going unnoticed late into the development process
  • Periodic feedback from the client means that they can make some changes and customizations during the development process without causing too much disruption to the overall project


  • Since the app is being developed in short bursts the overall development can be fragmented
  • The level of collaboration required between teams and with the client for an agile model to be effective can be difficult to maintain
  1. Kanban

Kanban is a type of Agile project management methodology. This approach is ideal for projects that require heavy input from both development and operations. In this approach there is complete transparency of the work being done. There is real time communication of capacity as all work being done is visually displayed on a Kanban board. Trello is an excellent example of a tool that can be used to implement a Kanban approach to project management for mobile app development.


Since Kanban is a visual approach, it makes it very easy for project managers, clients and collaborators to quickly identify what stage various tasks are in and what bottle necks exist in the process

Mobile app development company in Jamaica

In other types of project management, a development plan is put in place and then teams must ensure deadlines are met regardless of the realities of their capacity. In a Kanban approach, teams only take on tasks when they have the capacity to do so. This helps prevent burnout and has also shown to increase quality and creativity.

If you are looking for an experienced firm that provides mobile app development services in Jamaica, contact our team at Toucan. We will help you bring your app idea to life and implement a project management approach that is right for your requirements.



Jun. 2021, B. Romero, “Jamaica Puts Focus on Upskilling as Digital Sourcing Opportunities Grow”, Nearshore Americas, [available online] available from: https://nearshoreamericas.com/jamaica-upskilling-digital-sourcing-opportunities-grow/ [accessed Sep 2021]

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