The conversion rate of a website indicates the percentage of people who visited a particular website and took a desired action like filling a contact form, making a purchase, requesting a quote, etc. The higher the conversion rate, the more revenue a business is able to generate from its website. Globally, the average conversion rate for e-commerce websites is 2.58%1. The design and layout of a website has a significant impact on its ability to convert. In order to maximize conversion rates, it is important to implement the right design to your website and ensure that it matches the latest design trends.
Businesses in Jamaica must understand that it is important to be cognizant of the latest trends as it helps your business website look current and modern. Though, there will always be exceptions (like Reddit), for most businesses, having a website that looks outdated leads to a drop in conversion and the trustworthiness of the brand.
This does not mean that you should ask your website design team to update your website every time you come across of a new trend. It means that your website development company in Jamaica needs to be aware of the latest trends and strategically give you advice on which trends to incorporate and how to do this in an optimal manner. In this article we explore web design predictions that you and your website development agency should be aware of for 2022.
1) Micro-interactions and micro-animations
A big trend for the coming year will be the use of micro-interactions and micro-animations. Websites will also have more subtle background videos, and motion graphics. A continuation of the popularity of the parallax effect in 2020, movement will be a big part of making websites more engaging and giving life to static pages. As internet speed and hosting technologies continue to improve, it has become easier to deliver this type of engagement and experience to end users.
2) Less is more
2022 will see a shift away from the information heavy, infographic style home pages that were popular a few years ago. In 2022, designers need to simplify. Websites will have a lightweight, minimal feel with gentle motions. Colours and fonts should be calming. The messaging on the page should be direct, simple and to the point. The goal of this type of design is to encourage users to explore the website more and find information themselves. Instead of information being condensed and packaged into tight spaces, websites will expand as users engage to look for more details.
3) A return to fun
10 years ago, the way we interact with the internet started to change radically. Smartphones with reliable and fast internet were becoming more common. Devices like tablet computers were becoming more accessible. People were learning again how to use websites in this new environment. Keeping things simple and easy to use was a priority. That is no longer the case. Today, people are familiar with online interfaces and touch devices. They know how to use and interact with the internet. This has given designers more freedom to get creative and make more fun choices. We can see a return to the creative, out of the box, outlandish design choices that were commonplace in the 90s. As we come out of the pandemic, people are looking for positive experiences to feel motivated. A good website design solution provider will help you capitalize on this demand. Your website should build experience that delight users and make them happy. Here is an example!

Apart from the ones mentioned above, the use of bold colours and an increased focus on technical features like infinite scroll, lazy loading, smart content load, etc will increase in importance next year. If you are looking for the right website design partner in Jamaica to help you understand how you can improve your brand’s online interaction with users, contact us at Toucan. We provide a wide variety of website services ranging from website design and development to digital advertising and mobile app creation.
Location: Kingston Jamaica
1. 2020, K. Saleh, “The Average Website Conversion Rate by Industry (Updated by 2020)”, Invespcro, [available online] available from: [accessed Nov 2021]