
Mobile app development

7 Essential mobile app features for Jamaican businesses

With the growing reliance on smartphones for everyday activities, the demand for high-quality, user-friendly mobile applications in Jamaica is at an all-time high. For a mobile app development company in Jamaica, understanding what features resonate with local consumers is crucial. Here are the must-have features that should be incorporated into Jamaican mobile apps in 2024 […]

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The journey of mobile app development in Jamaica

From concept to market – The journey of mobile app development in Jamaica

Jamaica is not just renowned for its rich culture and stunning natural beauty but also its burgeoning technological landscape, particularly in the field of business mobile application development. The Jamaican government, through various initiatives like the Innovation Grant for New Ideas to Entrepreneurship (IGNITE) Program and Innovation Grant Fund (IGF) by the Development Bank of

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Why you need Mobile Application Development for your business in 2023

Why you need Mobile Application Development for your business

In December 2022, mobile phones generated around 55.27% of the web traffic in Jamaica1. The smartphone segment in Jamaica is projected to grow by 3.62% (2023-2028) resulting in a market volume of US$237m in 20282. There has been an increase in the demand for mobile app development services in Jamaica as the need for innovative

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3 project management styles for mobile app creation

3 project management styles for mobile app creation

Erstwhile, Jamaica used to be considered a destination for call centre work. However, the Jamaican government has been making significant investments in upskilling its work force. One of the key areas of focus is app and software development [1]. An increase in the number of skilled developers and a growing number of smartphone users has

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How to use a mobile application for your business

How to use a mobile application for your business?

A mobile application is created to make task execution using handheld devices like smartphones and tablets faster and easier. There can be a mobile app for booking movie tickets online or to simply check the weather forecast for the day. A mobile application’s functionality aims to provide quick solutions to its users. When businesses decide

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